This booster fan was an absolute mess. The tenants in this suite do a huge amount of laundry each week but little was done to take care of the Dryer, Duct and Booster fan. As a result there was the start of a ceiling leak. Then I first opened up...
Dryer Booster Fan in ceiling
Here I came across a dryer booster fan in the ceiling. It hadn't been serviced in a very long time, if ever. It was completely broken and as such it had to be replaced. Usually this type of fan can be repaired or even just needs a minor service but...
Lint Box with a Dryer Booster Fan
In this setup a lint box is installed before a dryer booster fan. This will keep the booster fan and duct clean. Having both a Lint Box with a Dryer Booster Fan is the best way to keep you dryer system working properly and problem free for many years. For...
Dryer lint in flex hose
I came across this flex hose full of lint in an apartment in Vancouver last week. (July 25 2023) The residents had just recently gotten their dryer ducts cleaned. The duct cleaners couldn't get good airflow and suggested that the residents get a booster fan. So they called me in....
Canadian Condominium Institute Webinar Video
Here is the video of the Canadian Condominium Institute webinar video. The video covers such topics as landscaping, window washing, dryer vent cleaning and of course dryer booster fans. For more info on this see the previous post
Troubleshooting dryer booster fan and new dryers 2023
If you have a high-efficiency dryer in your home or building, you may run into an issue with your dryer booster fan and new dryers not working correctly together. The sensor that triggers the booster fan to turn on may not get a signal from the lower electric use of...
Ceiling Leaks from a dryer duct Apr 2023
Ceiling leaks are a common problem in high rise buildings around Metro Vancouver. While there can be many causes of ceiling leaks, one of the most common culprits is the in-slab dryer ducts. These ducts are not typically one solid piece from the dryer to the exterior, but rather several...
Canadian Condominium Institute – Webinar April 2023
Canadian Condominium Institute Spring Maintenance Webinar. April 25 2023. The days are getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and it is time to complete your Spring clean up! Tune in for a basic walk through of Springtime to do's with representatives from local service companies including dryer duct cleaning, window...
SV156 and Screens
Flappers for dryer vents are generally considered better than screens for a few reasons: Better air flow: Flappers allow for better air flow through the dryer vent, which can improve the efficiency of the dryer and reduce the risk of lint buildup. Screens can trap lint and debris, which...
Dryer Lint Box
A dryer lint box, also known as a secondary lint trap, is a small device or container located near the dryer's exhaust vent that captures the lint and debris that accumulates during the drying process. The purpose of the lint box is to prevent the lint from clogging the dryer...